Many clients don’t want their teeth pulled for a variety of reasons, which is why we only perform tooth extractions as a last resort. When a tooth is excessively damaged or we need to make room for a tooth restoration or tooth replacement procedure, the doctors at The Dental Studio in Midland, TX, may need to perform tooth extractions to improve the chances of success with your treatment. We will do everything we can to preserve your natural teeth but there are some situations where a tooth must be removed.
Tooth Extractions for Dental Implant Preparation and Wisdom Teeth Removal
How Tooth Extraction Works
Reasons to Extract a Tooth
Preparation for dental implants
Wisdom teeth
Preparation for orthodontics
Excessively decayed teeth
Damaged teeth from gum disease
Severely cracked or chipped teeth
How Tooth Extractions Are Performed
In most cases, tooth extractions and wisdom teeth extractions are performed under local anesthesia so you will be numb throughout the procedure. The doctor will need to first break the tooth into smaller pieces before removing the entire tooth from the root. This is done in a few simple steps and is relatively quick. Most clients only feel some mild tugging as the tooth is removed and some soreness for a few days after the procedure. It’s important to keep the area where the tooth was removed extremely clean and to avoid touching it. Our dental experts will provide you with specific post-op instructions to prevent dry socket, an infection, or other issues as the tissues start to heal. We will only work on one or two quadrants on the same side of the mouth at a time so you can still chew and eat food from the other side. Still, your diet may be limited to soft foods for a few days so the gums can heal properly.